March 12, 2025

Indiana Statehouse Hosts Hundreds of LGBTQ+ Protesters With Bold Stand: ‘We Won’t Go Back!

Indiana Statehouse Hosts Hundreds of LGBTQ+ Protesters With Bold Stand 'We Won’t Go Back!

Organizers of the event say it comes at a critical time, pointing to proposed legislation they say targets the rights of transgender Hoosiers

INDIANAPOLIS — Hundreds of members of the LGBTQ+ community, allies and some lawmakers gathered at the Indiana Statehouse Thursday morning for LGBTQ+ Statehouse Day.

Organizers of the event say it comes at a critical time, pointing to proposed legislation they say targets the rights of transgender Hoosiers.

One piece of proposed legislation would prohibit someone from changing their birth certificate to reflect the gender they identify with, something a person can do right now if you have a court order.

Another proposed bill calls for the Department of Health and BMV to identify birth certificates and driver’s licenses on which someone changed their gender. The proposed bill would require those documents to be changed back to the gender that was on them originally.

It’s that kind of legislation that brought out cheers of “We won’t go back! We won’t go back!” from hundreds who had gathered at the Statehouse Thursday, sending a message to Indiana lawmakers.

“They want us to cower in fear. We don’t cower in fear,” yelled Emma Vosicky to a cheering crowd.

Indiana Statehouse Hosts Hundreds of LGBTQ+ Protesters With Bold Stand 'We Won’t Go Back!

Hundreds of people attended LGBTQ+ Statehouse Day at the Indiana Statehouse, Jan. 30, 2025.

Vosicky is the executive director of GenderNexus, an organization that provides support and resources for gender-diverse Hoosiers and their families.

“People are feeling alone and scared and having this opportunity to know they’re not alone, that they’re other people who support them, there are other people who care for them, this is absolutely essential,” Vosicky said.

That’s a message Krisztina and Ken Inskeep have tried to foster in the support group they run for transgender children and their parents.

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“It helps us come together and know we’re not alone in this struggle,” said Krisztina Inskeep.

The Inskeep’s have a transgender son who is grown and lives out of state. The couple testified in 2023 at the Indiana Statehouse against a bill that ultimately became a law.

Krisztina Inskeep speaks at LGBTQ+ Statehouse Day at the Indiana Statehouse on Jan. 30, 2025.

Senate Enrolled Act 480 bans parents and doctors from providing hormone therapy and puberty blockers for transgender kids in Indiana.

Also under the law, Hoosier doctors aren’t allowed to talk with parents about out-of-state options.

“They cannot even talk about possibilities or what kind of treatments are out there,” said Inskeep.

The law’s author, State Sen. Tyler Johnson (R-District 14) sent a statement to 13News about SEA 480: 

“I have the utmost compassion for children suffering with gender dysphoria and believe they deserve sensible counseling. Gender-related procedures on children have grown at an alarming rate in the United States over recent years. Since these procedures have irreversible and life-altering effects, it is appropriate and necessary our state has protections to make sure these procedures are performed only on adults who can make the decision on their own behalf.”

This session, State Rep. Chris Campbell (D-District 26) has proposed House Bill 1444 that would remove language in the current law, taking out the words “aiding and abetting” in it. Those words, parents of transgender children say, prevent them from speaking openly with their children’s doctors about what kind of treatment their children are receiving out of state.

“All we’re trying to do is let our kid be who our kid is and to raise them well,” said Ken Inskeep.

So far this session, HB 1444 has not received a hearing in the House Public Health Committee where it’s been assigned.

That prompted a call to action at Thursday’s rally.

“If you want that bill heard, then your legislators need to hear your voice,” Vosicky yelled to those gathered, who clapped and cheered in agreement.

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