March 14, 2025

Unbelievable But True: Strange Laws in Texas That Could Land You in Jail

Unbelievable But True: Strange Laws in Texas That Could Land You in Jail

It’s easy to assume that outdated laws are just quirky relics of the past, gathering dust on old bookshelves. But in Texas, many laws that seem strange, obsolete, or just plain weird are still enforceable today, even though their origins may no longer make sense in our modern world. Below, we’ll explore some of these curious laws that could still land you in hot water—even if they seem completely out of place.

Weird Laws That Make No Sense

Many of these laws reflect a different time or societal concerns that may no longer apply. Here are some that may leave you scratching your head:

Illegal to Shoot Bison from a Second Floor Balcony

This one sounds like an odd rule, but it’s a reminder of how laws often reflect specific historical or local circumstances. Bison used to roam freely across the land, and it’s likely that the law was designed to protect wildlife. However, in today’s world, it’s hard to imagine someone shooting bison from their second-floor balcony.

Illegal to Sit on the Sidewalk in Galveston

While sitting on the sidewalk is a regular part of city life in many places, in Galveston, it’s a violation that could cost you a fine of $500. No lounging on the sidewalks here—if you plan to sit outside, make sure you’re doing it properly, or you might end up with a hefty bill.

Paying a Ticket is an Automatic Guilty Plea

In Texas, paying a ticket is considered an automatic guilty plea. This means that when you pay, you waive your right to have a court hearing to contest the ticket. A rather unique and inconvenient legal twist!

Illegal to Drive Your Horse and Buggy Through a Town Square

Back in the day, horse-drawn carriages were the primary mode of transportation. Today, this law still stands—though it seems outdated in our modern car-driven world. While you’re still welcome to drive your horse and buggy on regular streets, make sure to avoid the town square!

Odd But Possibly Sensible Laws

Some laws, while still sounding strange, make a bit more sense when you look at the context of their time. Here are a few that seem odd but might not be as outlandish as they first appear:

Illegal to Milk Someone Else’s Cow

While this may seem like a rule that wouldn’t be needed anymore, it makes sense in a rural agricultural setting. You wouldn’t want someone coming onto your property and taking your cow’s milk without permission, after all.

You Need a Permit to Walk Barefoot Outside

This quirky law requires a $5 permit for walking barefoot in public in Texas. While it seems almost comical today, it might have been part of an effort to enforce cleanliness or social decorum. Whether or not it’s enforced now is up for debate, but it’s still technically on the books.

Illegal to Throw Confetti, Rubber Balls, and Firecrackers in the City Limits of Borger, Texas

In the small town of Borger, Texas, a strict ban on throwing confetti, rubber balls, or firecrackers within city limits exists. While it might seem like a buzzkill, this law could be an effort to prevent disruptions in public spaces or accidents associated with fireworks.

You Must Give 24 Hour Notice Before Committing a Crime Against Someone

This law allows a criminal to give a victim a 24-hour notice before committing any crime, essentially giving them time to prepare defenses or avoid harm. Of course, it seems unlikely that a criminal would follow this rule, but the logic is that it would give the person a chance to protect themselves.

Laws Still on the Books That Could Get You into Trouble

Some laws are just bizarre and have persisted through time without much reason. However, they remain on the books—and while enforcement may be rare, it’s still possible to face consequences if you break them:

Illegal to Drink Beer Standing Up in LeFors, Texas

In LeFors, Texas, if you’re enjoying a beer, make sure you’re sitting down! Drinking beer while standing up is a violation in this town. Though it’s hard to say why such a law was put into place, it remains active nonetheless.

It’s Illegal to Flirt with Your Eyes or Hands in San Antonio

In San Antonio, flirting through eye contact or hand gestures can land you in trouble. While this law certainly seems outdated and unreasonable, it’s still technically enforceable. Whether or not anyone will actually get arrested for such behavior is another story!

Illegal to Release Obnoxious Odors in an Elevator

So, if you’re in an elevator, remember that releasing an obnoxious odor (like a fart) could technically get you into legal trouble. It’s a silly rule, but it’s one that could be used for enforcement under the right circumstances.

Illegal to Pee on the Alamo

After Ozzy Osbourne infamously urinated on the Alamo in 1982, this law was passed to make sure no one else repeats the act. It’s now illegal to relieve yourself in front of this historical site, a law which reflects the sanctity Texans place on their iconic landmarks.

The Bottom Line

While many of these laws might seem strange, funny, or unnecessary in today’s world, they’re still technically enforceable. It’s a reminder that laws can stick around long after their original purpose has passed. If you ever find yourself facing one of these outdated rules, be aware that the consequences, however bizarre, are still in effect.

If you’re in Texas and feel that a certain law no longer serves a practical purpose, it may be time to call on your local representatives to have it revisited and possibly removed. Until then, make sure you’re aware of these oddities on the books—especially if you plan to sit on the sidewalk, flirt in public, or, god forbid, commit a crime without a 24-hour warning!

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